SoVermont welcomes you to the Green Mountain State! The region’s arts, educational and recreational offerings are world class, and our companies are connected to the world through trade and technology.
SoVermont is a partnership of the Bennington County Regional Commission and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. Serving Bennington and Windham counties, we work to support and build vibrant area economies and thriving communities in beautiful Southern Vermont. Come build a thriving life, career, and future with us -- jump on the Welcome Wagon today.
Learn more about hosting here.
Learn about participating as a new or returning Vermonter here.
Rachel Shields Ebersole

Having fallen in love with Vermont in 2013 (and getting in a decent 5-year stint in Woodstock VT), Rachel is glad to be back in New England, with a toddler in tow. (Three cats were also acquired during her time away.)
Being a parent makes it hard to have hobbies, but Rachel and her family love checking out slightly perplexing community events (they still talk about the legendary Pancake Breakfast and Experimental Balloon Festival discovered in Post Mills) and walking to the library and/or bakery.
She knows all about what it's like to be new, and is excited to help you get connected!